vReference vSphere 4.0 card updated

Here is an update to my vSphere 4 reference card

I’ve made lots corrections and updates, many of which came from VMware publishing a new version of their Configuration Maximums document last month.  I’d also like to make a special mention to the follow people who took the time to get in touch with updates – thanks guys I really appreciate it.

  • Christian Lacroix, Pascal de Wild & Michael — Storage: NFS datastores = 8 (64 with adv. setting) not 32
  • Darren McRae — ESX hosts: dumpart > dumppart
  • Pascal de Wild & Kurt DeWitt — Storage: FC – Path to each LUN: max 32
  • Wade Holmes —  ESX install: IP6 not supported – make more obvious that this is for the install
  • Simon Price & Alexey Bogdanov — vCenter: essential license should be 256 on 56
  • Simon Price — ESX hosts:  added the “P” option to the vdf command
  • Ed Symanzik — ESH hosts: vmware -v for build (vmware -l for base version)
  • Alexey Bogdanov — ESX Install: “/” to “/ (root)”
  • Eric Wright & Alexey Bogdanov — ESX Install:  default swap to 600MB

Grab yourself a copy now!
I have been reading through all the encouraging comments and watching votes from my post regarding the future of the card.  It seems that almost everyone is happy with me adding a second page.  Hopefully I’ll be able to make a start on that soon.  It will take several months to gather and prune the right information, however I appreciate the mantra of release early, release often so I’ll try to get previews out as each section comes together.  Let me know in the comments below if there are any particular areas or products you would like to see.  For example now SRM 4.0 is out, it’s probably a good candidate.  As are any official vSphere plugins.

Win 2008 defragmentation schedule

Firstly, go and read this article:


It discusses the merits of defragmenting SAN based disks.  With the heavy usage of SANs within the VM sphere, it makes it particularly relevant.

OK, done reading?  I’ll continue…

After deploying a new VM yesterday, from one of our Windows 2008 R2 64bit templates, I noticed the new Task Scheduler.  I was having a bit of a poke around and noticed that by default there was a scheduled task to defrag all its “local” disks at 1am Wednesday every week.  Now this task is disabled, but be careful about enabling this in your gold template.

Besides your personally thoughts on the need to defrag SAN disks, imagine all your VMs running on a SAN decide to defrag all their disks at the same time.  Yikes!  Hopefully Microsoft put in randomization on the day and time during the night these things are set, when the OS first installs or during sysprep.  However it doesn’t appear so.

Reference card formatting

I need your opinion to help improve things.

As I try to grow and improve the reference card I’m hitting several physical limits.  It is becoming more difficult to squeeze more content in, and I can only reduce the size of the font so much before it become illegible.  There are some other tricks which I still have up my sleeve, e.g. line spacing, but there is only so many letters that can be displayed without them bleeding into each other when you print.

There are other sections which I just can’t cover at the moment, e.g. vMA, more command line options, converter, orchestrator, patch management, backup, etc.  This is just the core stuff as well.  There are plenty of new VMware related products which would also be interesting additions – think SRM or View.

So, I’d like to get your opinion on what I should do next.  I’ve created a little poll on the right hand sidebar, which will help me get an indication of the direction you guys would like me to go.  As I’ve said many time before, this card is for everyone and I’d like your feedback on how I can make things even better.  If you have any other suggestions not included in the poll, then please leave a comment below.  I’d love to hear it.

Poll options:

  • Reduce font, 4 columns

Currently the card is a 6pt font, but I could reduce this further (to say 4.5pt) and make the card fold into 4 instead of the traditional tri-fold layout.

  • Reduce the current detail

I could cull some of the current content (e.g. the command line stuff), and try to concentrate on higher level stuff.

  • Second page

With a second page we could slip some content over, increasing the margins slightly and provide more room for additional content.

  • Two separate cards

I could try to split the card into 2 cards.  The split could either be on products or technical level.  So we could keep the basic card for just VCP level stuff, with another for Advanced or Design type work.  Or we could have one card on the core stuff (hosts, VC, networking, storage), and then a second card on things like MSCS, FT, HA, resource management, backups, converter, etc.

None of these are ideal, as I personally like everything on one card (that’s really the point isn’t it), but how small can we make the font?

In addition to the problem of how to fit more in, I’m also interested in how I can make card universally printable.  The card has always been designed to be printed (as opposed to an online guide or referenced within a PDF reader).  Especially when the font is so small, it is important that everyone’s printer can cope with the format I provide.  The page has to be able to print on both A4 and letter (or legal?) paper, and should be accepted at a default size by all print drivers. Otherwise the PDF software or your print driver has to re-size things which can make the card “fuzzy” looking.

When I created the first reference card a couple of years ago, I was living in Australia and so it was designed as an A4 sized piece of paper.  These days I live in Canada, so everything I print is letter.  Now I don’t want to start a turf war on the benefits of an international paper size (and North America’s inability to follow any sort of standards 🙂 ).

I realize that as I have grown the section sizes towards the margins, they are probably less printable.  However I have no idea how much of an impact these changes make on everyone else.  I’d be really interested if you could tell me if the current size can print OK, or if it cuts bits off or re-sizes strangely.  I’ve had a couple of people write to me with advice on how to make things more universal, but I’d love to hear from you if you’ve got experience in making things fit for both A4 and letter.