First vSphere 4 book in Spanish

I received an email from my friend Jose Maria Gonzalez, to say he has just published a new book.  In his own words:

The time has come and I am delighted to announce the details of my new book, a book I’ve been working for the past four months without a “rest”: 101 Secrets VMware vSphere.

101 Secrets in VMware vSphere is the first book published on VMware vSphere technology into Spanish and addresses all areas of the most important technology in VMware vSphere, while help you to prepare the official certification VCP4.

It is a very thorough review of the basics of virtualization and VMware vSphere ESX / ESXi, very useful for those beginning in the world of virtualization and VMware  vSphere, and for those who are already experts in VMware ESX / ESXi and want delve into the details of VMware vSphere.

I tried to gather and synthesize everything you need to know so that you would improve and increase your knowledge in vSphere VMware by providing lots of advice illustrated with hundreds of
examples. All the VMware vSphere secrets are in this book – at least I have done everything possible to make sure of it.

101 Secrets in VMware vSphere is now available via the Web at the following link in two format, electronic (ebook) and in book format:

There’s never been a better time to brush up on your Spanish!

n+1 is hogwash!

Too frequently I hear the expression n+1 as a model for ESX clusters to provide High Availability.  If you EVER expect to patch ESX servers without VM downtime then you need at least(†) n+2.  When running your clusters to only n+1, you can never safely put one of your hosts in Maintenance Mode; not if High Availability is important to you.

Footnote: If you don’t understand the importance of HA slot sizes, go learn.