VMworld 2011 dates

I wanted to publish the dates for VMworld 2011, as last year’s post garned quite a few hits so must have been valuable for some.  So, with VMworld 2010 now only a distant memory…

VMworld 2011 dates are: 29th August to 1st September.  Location: Las Vegas

Now, VMworld 2008 was centered in The Venetian.  The VMware Partner Exchange 2010 was based in Mandalay Bay.  EMC World 2011 is going to be in the Venetian.  Anyone want to guess which hotel VMworld 2011 will be in?

Just for your diaries, here are some of the upcoming virtualisation related conferences:

P.S. I know there are lots of MS TechEds everywhere (also India, Africa, Japan, Australia, NZ, Middle East, Latin America, China), but I just included the US and Eurpean ones.  A full listing is here www.msteched.com

UPDATE (29 Jan): VMworld Europe 2011 dates have just announced as 18th to 20th Oct – Copenhagen

From Transrockies to VMworld

Well, I’m on my way to San Fransisco for this year’s VMworld.  Things have been very busy of late, which has delayed the publishing of the updated vReference card (covering the vSphere 4.1 updates).  I hope to get something out there soon if I can, perhaps between the packed VMworld schedule.  Anyway, my apologies to those waiting.

As I said recently, I’ve been pretty quiet of late due to a couple of projects which have been eating up all my spare time.  One of them is very VMware related and will continue to keep me burning the candle at both ends for the next couple of months.  I’m not quite ready to let the world know yet, but anyone who enjoys this site or the reference cards should be pretty interested.

In addition to that, I’ve been completely offline for the last couple of weeks.  I’ve been running in the Transrockies 2010 Run.  It is a trail run across the Rockies in Colorado lasting 6 days, covering around 190 km (120 miles), at breath sucking altitudes of 2,500 to almost 4,000 meters (8,000 to 12,500 feet).  Each day yourself and your partner head out for anywhere from 20km to 40km (13 miles to 25 miles), eventually arriving at a campsite to sleep in a tent, only to get up the next day and repeat.  Approximately four and half marathons in less than a week, up mountains and though high passes, without the luxurious oxygen levels normaly afforded to you at sea-level.  Well, we completed the whole race (I was very fortunate to run this with my wife) and had a great time along the way.  We’ve been training for several months, and even stayed in Breckenridge at 12,000 feet the week before to try to acclimatise a little.  Neither of us are super fit, or accomplished runners, but both love being out on the trails and enjoy a challenge.

It has been strange to miss the build-up to VMworld this year.  I’m sure I’ll have missed out on a few parties and special invite-only events, but the Transrockies was a fantastic experience.  So if you see a sorry looking soul, hobbling around the Moscone Center this year them come over and say hi.

Perhaps somewhat foolishly, I signed up for the VMworld Run a few weeks ago.  This is a short fun run that started last year, and which this year is scheduled for today (Sunday).  I’m not sure if my legs are ready to do any running again (and I may not make it to the shuttle buses in time). Ahh, hindsight is a wonderful thing 🙂

vReference card for vSphere 4.1

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that vSphere 4.1 arrived last week.  To be honest, I had presumed we wouldn’t see its appearance until VMworld this year.

Normally by now I would be in overdrive, feverishly squeezing out every little change I could find to blog about.  However, unlike my productive blogging comrades I’m extremely busy with a couple of other projects, which is eating up all my spare time.  And its going to be like this for a few months.

I’d like to update my vReference Card for vSphere 4.1 as soon as possible, but with the extra workload I probably won’t have the time for a few weeks (don’t worry, I definitely will be doing this – its only a short interlude).  Fortunately, as Simon Long discovered, the VCP is going to based on vSphere 4.0 for the foreseeable future so no panics yet.

In the meantime, if you’d like to lend a hand and help get the updated vReference card our the door as soon as possible, I’d love the support.  Just leave a note in the comments below, with the section title and the update.  Or if its a new feature, try to summarize it in as short and pithy a way as possible.

I let you know about one of my extra curricular projects as soon as I’m comfortable sharing, but trust me its a doozey and one that I hope you agree will benefit the VMware community 🙂

Oh, and for those always looking for some new bit of information, I couldn’t help myself.  I haven’t see this 4.1 addition mentioned anywhere else:

Failed Boot Recovery in Boot Options on VM’s settings.