vSphere 5 notes for your ebook reader or phone

I received a great suggestion from @FarooqPSK on Twitter this morning:

Would’ve been great if you could’ve included epub/mobi format for the vsphere 5 documentation notes. Please consider this.

So after an hour of wrestling with the notes in Calibre, I managed to create a version in MOBI (for Kindle users) and EPUB (for everything else).  I can’t guarantee they will be perfect as the converter can mangle tables, but it should be much more legible for these devices.

Here are the notes in EPUB and MOBI format as a zip file.

Update: Here are the same notes as separate downloads: MOBI file (for a Kindle) and an EPUB file (everything else). Hopefully this should make it easier to grab straight from your device.

Free vSphere 5 notes available for download

You’ll be glad to hear that I’m in the process of collating information for a new vSphere 5 Reference Card. I’ll release sections for everyone to peruse as soon as they’re ready as I’ll be eager for feedback before I roll them into the first full release. I like the Mantra of “release early, release often”.  Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@forbesguthrie) to be the first to hear of any new sections.

As part of that effort, I’ve been trawling through the new vSphere 5 documentation. I’ve collated my condensed notes into a free download. I think for anyone who is familiar with vSphere 4, then it should bring you up to speed fairly quickly. The VMware documentation is about 1700 pages, but fortunately these notes are packed down into about 50 pages.

For example:

Dynamic port binding is deprecated in ESXi 5.0.

It is considered a Best Practice to use the Select the Percentage of Cluster Resources Reserved admission control policy.

The iSCSI initiator is enabled by Default in vSphere 5.

They’re all excerpts take directly from the official VMware PDFs. This makes it great to study from, as the VCP questions are often taken straight from their documentation.  I occasionally added a few words to help clarify the context of the sentence, but the vast majority of the content is word-for-word. Being direct quotes makes it easy for you to search within the PDF if you are unsure on an area or need greater clarification surround a statement.

Living in this topsy-turvy North America land as I do these days, I’ve created it in Letter size.  Let me know if you have any issues print it out in A4 and I’ll take a look at fixing it or republishing an A4 formatted version.

I hope they’re useful to you as well: vSphere 5 Documentation Notes.