vSphere 5 notes

Here are my condensed notes for the vSphere 5.0 documentation. They’re excerpts taken directly from VMware’s own official PDFs.  The notes aren’t meant to be comprehensive, or for a beginner; just my own personal notes.  I made them whilst studying for the VCP5 beta exam, and its part of the process I use to collate information for the vSphere Reference Card.


Essentially, they’re snippets I found interesting while reviewing the official VMware documentation, either because:

  • They were new to vSphere 5
  • They were new to me
  • I thought they might be useful for the next reference card
  • I wanted reinforcement in that area

However, I think for anyone who is familiar with vSphere 4 and perhaps a VCP, they should bring you up to speed fairly quickly. The notes cover the following official VMware documents:

Main Documentation Set

  • VMware vSphere Basics Guide
  • vSphere Installation and Setup Guide
  • vSphere Upgrade Guide
  • vCenter Server and Host Management Guide
  • vSphere Virtual Machine Administration Guide
  • vSphere Host Profiles Guide
  • vSphere Networking Guide
  • vSphere Storage Guide
  • vSphere Security Guid
  • vSphere Resource Management Guide
  • vSphere Availability Guide
  • vSphere Monitoring and Performance Guide
  • vSphere Troubleshooting
  • VMware vSphere Examples and Scenarios Guide

Additional Resources

  • What’s New in VMware vSphere 5.0
  • VMware vSphere 5.0 Release Notes
  • What’s New VMware vSphere 5.0 Platform Technical White Paper
  • What’s New VMware vSphere 5.0 Networking Technical White Paper
  • What’s New VMware vSphere 5.0 Storage Technical White Paper
  • What’s New VMware vSphere 5.0 Availability Technical White Paper
  • What’s New VMware vSphere 5.0 Performance Technical White Paper
  • VMware vSphere 5.0 Licensing, Pricing and Packaging White Paper

I’ve avoided the details available in the Configuration Maximums for vSphere 5.0 document, because it’s likely to be updated far more regularly than the Guides.  You’ll want to grab yourself the latest copy, but I will include the most critical figures in the vReference 5.0 card.

I hope these are useful to you as well: vSphere 5 Documentation Notes.

Update: Here are the same notes in EPUB and MOBI as a zip file format for viewing on an ebook reader.

Update 2: Here are the same notes as separate downloads: MOBI file (for a Kindle) and an EPUB file (everything else). Hopefully this should make it easier to grab straight from your device.

Please don’t share the direct link to the document, but to this page instead.  The most up-to-date version will always be linked here.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@forbesguthrie) to be the first to hear of any updates.

36 thoughts on “vSphere 5 notes

  1. Hello Forbes,

    Your condensed notes are a result of some hard work from your end. All i can say is thanks a lot. I am preparing for VCP-5, i was and am currently running through the product documentation and other white papers you have listed. I will definitely be reading them, but once finished, this can serve as a easy reference to get hold on a particular topic.

    Thanks! again.

    I have shared it with my friends and they will end up on this page to appreciate this.

    Kartik S

  2. Forbes,

    I can simply say….your work is amazing….. I never find any such materials all the info in single pages in reference card and also vsphere 5 notes is amazable work from you….. heart-full thanks to you.. keep giving such materials to world….vmware rocks…forbes rocks….hats off to you..

  3. Appreciate your work on these notes, they will go well while I am reading your book (about 50% through) need to make that 2/29/12 deadline 😉

  4. Of all the materials I have seen over these past weeks I find this is one the best documents for learning the key improvements and changes with vSphere 5.

    I can thank you enough for this absolutely awesome job!

    Keep up the good work your contributions are truly appreciated!

  5. Excellent stuff Forbes. Am preparing for vcp5 (already vcp4) and your work has really been amazing. I am preparing something compatible with evernote on ipad to work with smart cover. Again, thanks and congrats for the great work.

  6. Thank you Forbes. I can still clearly remember max vm numbers per host …ect poped out my head from your vsphere 4 reference card. I am going through your vsphere 5 notes. Great works, appreciated!

  7. Forbes,

    Just a quick note to say thanks for all that you have contributed in the past and for continuing to contribute now.

    Your work is greatly appreciated.


  8. Cool! Every time I had to do VCP or VCAP, I’d go thru the manuals and produce notes so I don’t forget things. Yours is so much neater! I’m going to share with folks in ASEAN. Thanks from Singapore.

  9. Thank you for sharing your work. It will be very helpful
    This is another evidence that you are a high-end professional, becoming a reference. It’s very useful having this in epub. Great choice!

    Big thanks from Spain

  10. Hey Forbes,

    Thanks dude, this is really great stuff available on here. this would surely help all the VMware professionals and the community.

    Thanks a ton.


  11. Just wanted to say thanks!!!!!!!

    I just upgraded my VCP from 4 to 5. For BOTH tests your notes were instrumental in helping me pass. Thank you SO much for all your hard work!

  12. Because of this site I got lot of knowledge, This is the very good article i ever seen on VMWARE.
    Thanks a Lot,
    If possible please provide some interview related stuffs in viva and scenario.

  13. Many thanks man. This is very useful. I am taking my exam in 3 weeks and i do really appreciate.

  14. Thanks a lot, Forbes!

    I am undertaking the VCP6 Install, Configure & Manage course on the path to be VCP6 cxam. This reference trove will no doubt prove to be priceless. Appreciate your kind gesture of sharing with others 🙂

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